Monday 25 February 2013

Shepton Mallet Flea Market

Hello everyone!

It feels so long ago that I did my last post. Sorry about that!

Yesterday, I went to the Shepton Mallet flea market with Mum. I absolutely love flea markets as you can find little treasures everywhere that you can either keep as they are or make into something new! Unfortunately, because it was so cold (and partly because I was enjoying myself so much...) I didn't take any photos there - but next time I will try to!

Instead I took a picture of some fabric that I got from a really pretty little stall, all for £2! What a bargain!

My lovely fabric!
There were so many gorgeous stalls - selling things from old suitcases and vintage mannequins to antique furniture and old maps. It is huge and took us about three hours to go round the place - although it was so chilly that some stall-holders packed up early.

I would really recommend all you vintage-lovers to go to this fabulous flea market - you never know what you will find! The next market is Sunday 31st March...

Helen xx


Monday 18 February 2013

How to Make a Suffolk Puff Brooch

Hi everyone,

As promised yesterday, here are the instructions to make a Suffolk Puff Brooch. They are so easy to make, and they don't take very long either. Plus, it would make a great Mother's Day present!

 You will need:
  • Scissors
  • A sewing needle
  • Brooch pin
  • Pins
  • Sewing cotton
  • Button
  • Measuring Tape
  • Three circles of fabric - 1 x 18cm diameter circle
                                           1 x 15cm diameter circle
                                           1 x 11cm diameter circle

1) Take your first piece of fabric and, holding wrong-side up, fold over the edge, about 5mm in. Then, using running stitch, sew about 3mm from the edge of the fold all around the circle.
2) When you reach the place you started, gently pull the thread. This gathers the fabric in the centre of the circle, with the right-side of the fabric facing outwards. This is a Suffolk Puff.

3) Repeat steps one and two for the final two circles.

4) Next, place the Suffolk Puffs on top of each other, the largest at the bottom, the medium one in the middle and the smallest at the top. I pinned these in place so they wouldn't move. Make sure the gathered part in the centre of each circle is facing upwards.

5) Now take your button and place in the middle of the top puff, covering the gathered centre and then sew this on, making sure you go through each Suffolk Puff as this will secure them in place.

6) Finally, turn the brooch over and sew on the brooch pin in the centre. I find it easier to open the pin, but you can leave it shut if you want to.

And there you have it - a very pretty Suffolk Puff Brooch! They can be put on anything you like:

On a bag...

On a cardigan...

Or even on a cushion!

I hope you like it!

Helen xx

Sunday 17 February 2013


Make sure you check out my blog tomorrow as I will be showing you how to make a very pretty Suffolk Puff brooch!

Good night

Helen xx

Meet Flopsy the Bunny

Hello everyone,

Here is Flopsy the bunny:


She is made with the most loveliest wool - Sirdar Snuggly Snowflake DK in shades 630 and 649. You must try it - it's ever so soft and snuggly, hence the name. I finished her before Christmas using a Debi Birkin pattern from the 'Knitting' magazine and love her to bits. The wool is a bit of a pain to knit with at times as it can get a bit slippery and sometimes splits, but the results are fabulous!

Sirdar Snuggly Snowflake DK - Shade 649

I would definitely recommend the Sirdar Snowflake wool - they come in a range of different colours, mostly pale and it makes really nice cuddly toys, cardigans and hats.

Hope you like her!

Helen xx

And then the sun came out...

Finally, after months of non-stop rain here in Dorset, the sun came out - yay!
I wanted to take some pictures out in the sun...
 Because it is so lovely today, I let the guinea pigs out to play on the grass - something they haven't been able to do because of the horrible weather lately. I have five guinea pigs - three girls and two boys (I know, a lot of piggies!).
Here are the girls:
And the boys:

 Buttons and Treacle
 They wouldn't stand still for the photos, so my camera is filled with blurry piggies, but I eventually managed to get some nice ones.
Hope the weather is nice where you are!
Helen xx

Saturday 16 February 2013

Jennifer Collier

I am currently studying Art and I came across this amazing artist, Jennifer Collier. She recycles old paper maps and sewing patterns and makes them into incredible everyday items like cameras, sewing machines and even garments! Check out her website -

Camera made from an old map - image from
Tell me what you think!

Helen xx


Hello and welcome to my new blog! Here I would like to share with you my interests on sewing, making and anything vintage. I will put up pictures of items I have made that you can use for inspiration, pretty things, and also some little projects for you to have a go at. Hope you enjoy!

Helen xx